Sunday, February 1, 2015

Welcome ,enjoy the first chapter of Furry Philosophy

So now that I have written a book , "Furry Philosophy and Memoirs Set in Stone" I should take  the next step and start blogging. Because I am new at this please feel free to offer ideas on how to help me promote this. My words are my mission to help share the Philosophy given to me by forever faithful and loving furry friends. Today is Superbowl Sunday and I have to admit football is not our game.Thankfully Odin and Raven have helped me designate this as Snuggling Sunday, time to experiment with blogging.
      To start out this blog I think I should share my first chapter of my book to give you alittle info about us.


     For years now I have been carrying a notebook around in my purse with the intention of “someday” writing a book.  It took my sweet dog, Cheyenne, to finally get me take those notes and put them into some form of order.

     Cheyenne, who was 14 years old when she passed, had been fishing for about 10 years. To her, fishing was the best thing in the world. She never caught any; it was definitely the thrill of the chase. In her younger days she could give a bass a run for its money until it swam to a point Cheyenne couldn’t touch the bottom. She would run into the water as fast as lighting to chase after a fish. Once that fish was in deep water she would just stop and walk back to search for more. Wading was her thing; swimming was not! If she accidently went too far and had to swim she resembled a child learning to swim and her front paws would flail in the air.   It looked like she was saying, “Help I’m drowning. I am drownnnnnnnnnning. Ahhhhhh.”  When she was wading she would   stand with her nose just brushing the water with her tail doing an eternal loop de loop. If she saw even a small shadow she would take a leap in the air and bang her two front paws down into the water with all the force she could muster, then she would sniff the water as if wondering where the fish was. It reminded me of Yukon Cornelius from Rudolph the Red nose reindeer  when he was looking for silver and gold and  he would throw his pick ax up in the air and the ax would land in the snow and he’d pick it up and sniff, sniff, sniff, and say, “Aw nothing.” Maybe I have watched that show too many times, but I could almost hear Cheyenne saying that phrase, “Aw nothing” just like Yukon Cornelius used to say as if Cheyenne really had expected to catch a fish by bashing them with her front paws.  She would fish in her younger days until the sun went down. People passing by always stopped to watch her because her happiness and joy was so contagious.

     This past summer my youngest dog Odin, who was 6 years old at the time, all of a sudden realized what Cheyenne was doing. Now he is “hooked” fish line and sinker. He has even given it a new twist by pacing up and down the dock, stalking the fish, until he sees one. Then he takes a flying leap into the water. Odin definitely watched Cheyenne to learn this behavior, but does it his way and will even swim out deep to follow a fish. It is as if Cheyenne passed her legacy down to her brother. Shortly after this Cheyenne had been diagnosed with kidney failure and was not doing very well. On her good days she still fished. She was doing what she loved best and was living life to its fullest. I started to notice when she was too tired to fish and would rest by the shore; it is as if she was watching Odin with pride while he fished. I could almost hear her say “Atta boy” as she lay with her paws crossed, looking regal.  Cheyenne fished until two days before she passed away.  She could not see well but still enjoyed just being in the water, circling and jumping after imaginary shadows.

     If Cheyenne can pass her legacy down to Odin and leave her mark on the world in that way, and many more ways than I can count, then maybe she is telling me it is time to leave my mark on the world.

     I believe that our pets come to this earth to teach us our greatest lessons and help us through the rough spots. Being the amazing creatures that they are, they ask for nothing but a little love and food in return, a very small price to pay in my opinion. Animals are so intuitive. They speak to us and teach us lessons every day. We just have to pay attention and listen.

   It was said best by a wise ol’ bear named Winnie the Pooh when he said “Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That's the problem.”

    I would like to share some of the wisdom passed on to me by the amazing animals I have encountered in my life.

    The wisdom they have given me is truly a gift and I think it is time I share it.

Until the next time we share some of our Furry Philosophy
xoxo Jodi , Odin and Raven

Odin and Raven on Snuggle Sunday

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